Sunday, February 24, 2013

Time OUT!

So, wow. It's nearly March. Of 2013. Wow. Does this seem crazy to anyone else? Odd to the point of fishy even? Like there is a conspiracy on all calendars and clocks surrounding me, stealing my time and my children's childhoods? Okay...that's a bit much. But there are days it sure feels like that.

It's nearly March of 2013.

Again, wow.

....moving on. :)

We've been busy little bees here at our house. (Speaking of bees, all of ours died AGAIN this year. Sigh. Kiiiiiinndaaaa getting sick of that.)  We've had some mean and nasty colds lately. Blame it on the fluctuating temperatures or the public school is what it is and we've had some crummy yuckiness going on here. SO, that makes being as productive as we would like to be a bit harder, BUT we still have fun here at the Schweg Hacienda, and that's what counts.

To bring you up to speed on our goings-on, B and T are doing soccer and basketball right now, respectively. Sam is coaching B's team, which has been a great experience for them both and really fun to watch. B runs around the court (yes, court. They are playing indoor soccer.) like a little speed demon with a smile on her face the entire game. It's truly adorable. She rarely gets the ball because she has some ball hogs on her team, but when she does, she's a good little passer. T is getting more aggressive on the court (also fun to watch) and not being so afraid to take risks and make mistakes. My heart swells at her courage. I love watching her get out of her own way and slowly learn to master her insecurities. She's awesome. :) She's got excellent passing skills and is the best free throw shot on her team. She's really come a long way this season, and I'm really proud of them both for just going for it.

We have some exciting stuff going on in oral news. T got braces, which she is very excited about, go figure. The colors she got are "fire red," and "coral flower," I believe, but I'm sure she'll correct me later. M is getting his canines in and he's a delight when he's teething (yes, sarcasm). Also, just tonight, Sam pulled out B's top left front tooth! She was so scared but out it came! She looks tooooo adorable with that big ol'hole! So, yeah! Lots going on with teeth. Pictures to come.

We are in the middle of our first kidding season of the year. So's been rough. We do have two adorable kids, but we've lost several. We had one doe drop triplets 2 weeks early in the barn during a cold snap, so they didn't stand a chance, and another drop doubles a week later, a week premature...ugh. Just sad. So, it's been frustrating, but we are pleased with the way the two we have are progressing and we have demand, so we are hopeful the remaining pregnancies and deliveries will go smoothly.

We are getting ready to start vegetable and herb seeds in the house. Hard to believe it is that time again. I'm grateful I'll be able to help in the garden this year, and the herbs are kinda my baby, so wish me luck! We'll find out if I have a green thumb, or no. Let's hope it's not no! :)

That's us, in brief, and I'll try to be back soon. Busy, busy!