Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School

Wow, is this year flying!! T headed back to school last Wednesday. It's been an exhausting experience for her. Bless her heart! She keeps saying, "Second grade is soooo much longer than first grade!" :( Poor baby. It will take some getting used to. But, at least she loves her teacher!! Yea!!

B starts school on the 30th. That's going to be an adventure. I can't wait to see how she loves it. :)

Just a quick update, to let you know a bit of the craziness we are up to lately. I hope you all are having a great end of summer!


Jen said...

The boys are not very excited for school to start in a week. They did manage to admit that they are a "teeny" bit excited though :)

Good teachers make all the difference!

Vicki said...

Can't wait to sit and chat with the girls about their school experiences....!! What great times. So happy that T is having a better experience this year. For mommy too!!