- I love my family. :) First, foremost, and perhaps very basic, but so very true that I must put it first on my list.
- I love watching my husband from a distance. He's seriously adorable.
- I love listening to B play. I love her imagination, her ability to go for hours with random, delightful stories, where no one dies or is mean or gets hurt....:) It's wonderful.
- I love that my girls love me to sing to them before bed. I don't consider myself a "singer," but I love that they enjoy my voice enough that they don't like to go to bed without a song from me.
- I love coloring with my girls. It's so soothing and relaxing (when there is no fighting over crayon colors. lol)
- I love my girls' faces. Every mother feels this way about her children, no doubt. But I love how T's eyes are so expressive, so deep, so lovely. And B's smile! LOL! She has the most engaging smile. She changes the course of a person's day with one of them.
- I love to cuddle with T. She is the best cuddler.
- I love that T loves to clean her room. I mean, not to start with; she whines about it like any other kid. But once she gets going...that girl can CLEAN!!
- I love how resourceful my husband is. He truly astonishes me sometimes.
- I love how much my family can get accomplished in a short time when we all work together.
- I love that people always comment on how affectionate my husband and I are with each other.
- I love how people always comment on how amazing our daughters are. ;)
- I love how my girls are usually the best behaved any given event or location. :D
- I love how I can brag all I want here, because it's MY blog!!
- I love B's spontaneous rock concerts. Girl's got skillz!
- I love what a great big sister T is.
- I love when B comes to T's defense.
- I love how everyone runs to Daddy when he comes home.
- I love that B is potty-trained!! (That joy won't be growing old any time soon.)
- I love how my husband lets me warm my frigid feet on him.
- I love how my husband will give me back/shoulder rubs (and this is no small feat, trust me; I need it deep) even when he's tired, because he knows it helps relieve my pain.
- I love my husband for his generosity.
- I love to watch my girls play with their daddy.
- I love the laughter in my home. There is a lot of it! :)
- I love that T understands a lot of why we make the choices we do, the importance of choosing the right, of taking care of our bodies, and being kind to others, etc.
- I love that my girls are such wonderful helpers.
- I love to hear T's excitement when someone calls her on the phone. It's sooooo cute.
- I love listening to B talk about marrying a boy from her Sunbeam class in a blase manner.
- I love that the entire family can fit on the couch together and share the same blanket.
- I love that we do that. :)
- I love that I can write a list like this, and all these things I love just spilled forth, without having to think about it. I love that I could go on and on. I love that I am so very blessed in my family that I have so many things to love about them.
- I love that my family is made of up strong individuals who love and desire the best for one another. I love that people can feel the spirit when they are around my family. I love that we are different, and that we preach that different is special. I love that my family is guided by the goodness of the gospel, and we know we can weather any storm, if we link ourselves to our Father in Heaven.
I love y'all for reading this! :) I'm truly, truly blessed.
Ris, What a great addition to your blog. I LOVED it. I smiled, I laughed, I cried and felt familiar feelings inside. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.
I love you .. I am so proud of you.. and the girls and Sam and YES.. you are each amazing and such an important anchor to our family!!
I enjoyed your post. I think it's great how many things you have to be grateful for. You have a great family! :)
Marisa, what a beautiful post! It sure helped me to feel happier reading about all the things you are thankful for! Hope you know how much we love you guys and wish the best for you. We are so glad you are happy. It is great to keep up on your growing family. I can't believe B is now in preschool! Wow! Thanks for inspiring me with your positive attitude!
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