Friday, August 27, 2010

Some Things I Love...About My Family

  • I love my family. :) First, foremost, and perhaps very basic, but so very true that I must put it first on my list.
  • I love watching my husband from a distance. He's seriously adorable.
  • I love listening to B play. I love her imagination, her ability to go for hours with random, delightful stories, where no one dies or is mean or gets hurt....:) It's wonderful.
  • I love that my girls love me to sing to them before bed. I don't consider myself a "singer," but I love that they enjoy my voice enough that they don't like to go to bed without a song from me.
  • I love coloring with my girls. It's so soothing and relaxing (when there is no fighting over crayon colors. lol)
  • I love my girls' faces. Every mother feels this way about her children, no doubt. But I love how T's eyes are so expressive, so deep, so lovely. And B's smile! LOL! She has the most engaging smile. She changes the course of a person's day with one of them.
  • I love to cuddle with T. She is the best cuddler.
  • I love that T loves to clean her room. I mean, not to start with; she whines about it like any other kid. But once she gets going...that girl can CLEAN!!
  • I love how resourceful my husband is. He truly astonishes me sometimes.
  • I love how much my family can get accomplished in a short time when we all work together.
  • I love that people always comment on how affectionate my husband and I are with each other.
  • I love how people always comment on how amazing our daughters are. ;)
  • I love how my girls are usually the best behaved any given event or location. :D
  • I love how I can brag all I want here, because it's MY blog!!
  • I love B's spontaneous rock concerts. Girl's got skillz!
  • I love what a great big sister T is.
  • I love when B comes to T's defense.
  • I love how everyone runs to Daddy when he comes home.
  • I love that B is potty-trained!! (That joy won't be growing old any time soon.)
  • I love how my husband lets me warm my frigid feet on him.
  • I love how my husband will give me back/shoulder rubs (and this is no small feat, trust me; I need it deep) even when he's tired, because he knows it helps relieve my pain.
  • I love my husband for his generosity.
  • I love to watch my girls play with their daddy.
  • I love the laughter in my home. There is a lot of it! :)
  • I love that T understands a lot of why we make the choices we do, the importance of choosing the right, of taking care of our bodies, and being kind to others, etc.
  • I love that my girls are such wonderful helpers.
  • I love to hear T's excitement when someone calls her on the phone. It's sooooo cute.
  • I love listening to B talk about marrying a boy from her Sunbeam class in a blase manner.
  • I love that the entire family can fit on the couch together and share the same blanket.
  • I love that we do that. :)
  • I love that I can write a list like this, and all these things I love just spilled forth, without having to think about it. I love that I could go on and on. I love that I am so very blessed in my family that I have so many things to love about them.
  • I love that my family is made of up strong individuals who love and desire the best for one another. I love that people can feel the spirit when they are around my family. I love that we are different, and that we preach that different is special. I love that my family is guided by the goodness of the gospel, and we know we can weather any storm, if we link ourselves to our Father in Heaven.

I love y'all for reading this! :) I'm truly, truly blessed.

Review of a Discriminating Palate

While at the store yesterday, surveying the yogurts, B announced, with no lack of conviction, "Don't get the chocolate kind. It is like poop."

There you go, folks. I take that as a firm two-thumbs-down on this product.

Consider yourselves warned.

(P.S. I'm still quietly laughing about this.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School

Wow, is this year flying!! T headed back to school last Wednesday. It's been an exhausting experience for her. Bless her heart! She keeps saying, "Second grade is soooo much longer than first grade!" :( Poor baby. It will take some getting used to. But, at least she loves her teacher!! Yea!!

B starts school on the 30th. That's going to be an adventure. I can't wait to see how she loves it. :)

Just a quick update, to let you know a bit of the craziness we are up to lately. I hope you all are having a great end of summer!