Friday, August 31, 2012

A small taste of M's talent

The girls had early release from school today, and Sam has had the week off, so as part of our psuedo-"staycation," we went to lunch at a local diner. As soon as we sit down, while I'm trying to strap M into the high chair, he grabs the utensil roll and smoothly dumps the utensils out of the napkin and onto the floor. While I am bending down to pick them up, he reaches over, snatches my full water glass by the lip and pulls it immediately to his mouth. Does this sound a bit like misdirection to anyone else? This kid is good.


Vicki said...

LOL... so cute!!

Amber Parkinson said...

Haha! What it sounds like is a normal toddler- always trying to get his hands on everything!! Can't help but love the sweet little guy because he's so adorable! I always wonder if they are thinking, "What can I destroy next?" Good thing God made them cute! :)