Friday, July 17, 2009

What's Up, Mom?

Straying well into the realm of "Mom-Should-Have-Known-Better," I let my youngest have ice cream today, unsupervised. Did it matter that she was at the kitchen table? Nope. (Well, okay. It did a little. I would have been a lot sadder had this happened on my pretty carpet.) Did it matter that her sister was sitting right next to her? Yes, in fact. It makes the story much richer. After watching B spread a lovely chocolate mural all over the table, on the wall, her chair, and dribbling it down her clothes, T finally decided she'd had enough of edible art for the day and came to claim me from my cleaning frenzy (which is what spurred the unsupervised insanity in the first place).

Coming into the kitchen, I find what I should have anticipated. Grabbing a damp rag, I head over to B to begin clean up. The little sweetness looks up at me and says, "What's up, Mom?" "What's up? I'm cleaning up your huge mess, sweetie. What's up with you?" She looks over her work, somewhat chagrined and says, "I'm dirrrrrty."

How do you not laugh at that? These kinds of moments are gifts from God, when your kids make it easy to laugh through the mess.

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