Tuesday, September 29, 2009

B, Turning Three

Happy Birthday, my funny little B!

What a blessing and cherished addition you are to the Schwegler family!

How fun to have you share your birthday with your big sister. I didn't want it this way. I was really against it. Really. But, so far, you two have been really great with it. You are lucky that your big sis adores you, even though you can be a little pill sometimes. :)

B, you have magic in you. The way you laugh changes people's hearts. Your smile...it's like nothing else. You radiate. You have such a power, surprisingly strong for one so young. You will impact many people in your life through just being you. You already do.

I love seeing how smart you are. You so readily learn, and jump right into the middle of everything like you were born to be there. You have such a mind of your own, which I'm grateful for, even on days when it works against me, because I know it will serve you well. I love how you love to make people laugh, how you love to have fun, how you love to just love life! You are always up for anything and it makes life that much brighter.

I am grateful for you, B. I'm grateful for all the ways you challenge me to be a better mother. I love that you won't accept sub-par attention and care from your parents. You demand what you deserve, and I love that. I hope you never stop expecting people to listen to and respect you. You are a daughter of God, and as such deserve this respect. I love that you make known how you feel, and keep everyone on track. You are a hard-task master, and our family is better because of it.

Thank you for joining our family three years ago, and bringing your light to share. Thank you for the sweet, funny, sparkly girl you are. You light up my days. I love you. I'm grateful for you. And I can't wait to see what comes next.


Suzanne Bjornn White said...

She is such a cute little girl. Do your girls really share the same birthday? If so, what are the odds of that! :)

Vicki said...

OHMYGOSH.. she is so big and beautiful and full of life... I can tell.... I miss the girls so much. Thanks again for your amazing talent to "share" them with me/us