Wow! I know it's winter, and I know I'm an Idaho-born girl, but MAN! This cold snap....QQ!!! It's gotta break sometime, right? At our house, mornings and evenings look a lot like this:

I'm the short, squatty one in purple and pink. I hate to admit it, but going out to do chores right now is HARD! Poor goats, having to have my frigid fingers on their teats. :( I love that we have snow, and I do love the seasons, but thinking about going outside sometimes just flat-out makes me cringe. I know, I know, I'm opening this wide up for you all to call my pansy, but just in case anyone else is feeling this chill and trying to not cry about it for fear of the tears freezing to their face, I feel ya, and you are welcome to come over for hot chocolate any time.
I don't remember it being this cold, ever! Guess that's more reason to stay all bundled up inside with our newest addition!
LOL.. I love it RIS!! LOL
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