Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Being the Goat Lady of Illinois...

Okay, I know this picture doesn't include goats. And, I am also aware that I am far from being The Goat Lady of Illinois. So none y'all goat women out there who are so much more advanced and talented than myself get bent out of shape. (I bow to your wisdom. :) This is merely a title bestowed on me by a dear friend.) I just had to share it, because I think it is SO great, and I can't sleep, despite being booooone tired. So, here you go.

Don't they look ecstatic? Ahhhh. I just smile every time I see it. :)


Suzanne Bjornn White said...

I REALLY hope this is what you guys will be like when you're older! They're cute.

Vicki said...

What a hoot!!