Thursday, August 20, 2009


I will not cry. I absolutely refuse to be reduced to tears by a stupid insect.

But, over the MILLIONS that are raping and pillaging my orchard right now, I might just have a breakdown.

Do you see this? THIS is what has been happening in our orchard. When we arrived, Sam and I didn't know a thing about Japanese beetles. I was worried about it (not worried enough to do some research, though. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!), but we didn't have our apple trees yet and didn't know what these disgusting little suckers could do.

Not so sure I'm happy about earning this kind of education.

When we were planting our trees, I freaked out because there were tons of grubs. Sam assured me it would be fine (that man has GOT to stop making statements just to calm me down), and we planted anyway. (Not sure what else we could have done at that point anyway.) Well, now we know that the particular grubs we have turn into these awful, horrible, no-good, very BAD beetles, that are sucking the life out of our trees.

Well, we've gotten to work. We've ordered nematodes, we're finding a supplier for milky spore, and we've had to use insecticide, which we were NOT going to do. Thankfully, we weren't going to be able to use the fruit from this year anyway, but still...IT SUCKS! Plus we have traps (which we have to change almost daily--understand, each trap is a BAG, and when we change them they are FULL of these things!!) and I have the pleasure of going down to the orchard several times a day and plucking the darn things off the plants. You should see the amount of beetles we've collected by hand. It is insane. We have a huge bucket full of soapy water and it gets a little more full of beetles everyday. I kid you not, people, it is crazy.

A word of caution: do not take beetles lightly. Just sayin'.


Suzanne Bjornn White said...

Stupid bugs! I have earwigs in my front yard eating my flowers. I want to punch them.

Jen said...

What do you do with the bags full of beatles? I am sorry, it sounds like so much work and stress. Hang in there!

Bryce said...

OH man that sucks! That has to be the worst to see all your hard work being destroyed. I hate those bugs!

Randy & Renee said...

I just found your blog from a link on Amber and Aarons blog. I'm so sorry about your bugs!! I was talking to your Mom today and it made me homesick for all my sweet nieces and nephews. If you get out this way, please remember I have extra beds. Our e-mail is I'd love to hear what you are doing besides raising beetles (jk lol) and being a great Mommy.
Lots o'Love
Aunt Renee

Anonymous said...

Yikes! How awful! I hope you get the pests all out of your trees! They're huge! You're so great for plowing through, I think I would have cried, Good Luck!

David, Tara and Lincoln said...

Crazy Sis! Hope you don't have the same prob next year!