Sunday, August 9, 2009

Little Kindness

My six-year-old made my bed. All by herself. With no one asking. This is not an expectation we have of her or one of her usual chores. She just took it upon herself to do it.

Baby B woke up with a nasty case of the whinies. Oh, my. Every time I turned around it was something. Getting ready for church is...let's just say "challenging" enough for me when the kids are cooperating. Cooperation level for B today: negative 50 might be a kind estimate.

When we were at about T-25 minutes to church and I was still running around with wet hair trying to manage B, T said quietly as I ran past, "I'm sorry you are having such a hard time." Bless her heart. I gave her a quick squeeze and thank you and then ran back into the bathroom to finish B's hair. After a few minutes, I hear the sound of fabric rustling on my bed. I figured someone had just hopped up there and was laying or playing around.

When I came out, there was this beautifully made bed, nearly perfect. You wouldn't believe the mad bed-making skills of this girl! We're talking throw pillows and everything. It looked so nice. I gave her a big hug and told her, "You didn't have to do that, sweetie. Thank you." She said, "I know. I just wanted to do something nice for you."

Man, I love that girl.


Suzanne Bjornn White said...

What a sweetheart! Do you hire her out? I'll pay for her plane ticket to come make my bed. Well, probably not. ;)

Vicki said...

I just want to kiss those cheeks. What a beautiful girl!!

Vicki said...

HEY!! I did it!!!