Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some of My Talented Peeps...

Okay, y'all, just wanted to take a minute and brag on some of the cool people I know. My friend Lora is a genius jewelry maker, not to mention one darn cool chick. Check out her website!! (Oh, and if you haven't yet discovered Etsy, you are very welcome.)
(And if anyone wants to buy me a present, I'm in love with "Namaste." Just sayin'. ;D)
Oh! And check out her older site, that still has some really cute, cute stuff, too!

Simply Silver, Peace on a Ribbon, and the Letter Pendants--Love!
If you haven't noticed Cassidy's blog link to the side, check it out! It's updated everyday, and he often has cool t-shirt and hat designs. Pretty awesome. I got one of these for Sam for Father's Day, which, of course, he loved. They are limited edition, and genius! Get clickin'!

Anna the fabulous just opened up her art shop--way cute! I don't need to say anymore. Just go. Click. Now!
Christine also has a fun shop, with all cute things baby! Way cute, reasonably priced, handmade, and $1 from each purchase goes to support cancer research.
Marne just rocks my socks! She is the saving guru and amazes me with all her thrifty know-how. Check her out!
If anyone has any other fantastic sites, wants to brag on a friend, or even herself/himself, lay it on me!
Have so much fun basking in the bodacity of my acquaintance. :)

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