Friday, August 7, 2009

OH, WHAT FUN!!! (lame title, but it totally was.)

I've been getting asked a lot, "How are things at the farm?" Totally natural question, and I appreciate the interest. To answer in one word: BUSY. We're learning a lot, which is fun, but also has us running a lot as we have to do or redo some new thing or get supplies or buy food or groom or treat or test get the idea. It keeps us hopping. Well, Sam had this week off. It was scheduled before he started working, as we were supposed to vacation in Tennessee this week, but it didn't end up working out for us. So, we had to do SOMETHING vacation-like, but we couldn't really leave town because of the animals, so we took our first "real" break yesterday and went here:

It was crazy fun to watch the kids squeal and laugh and splutter and splash and relax. It was such a fantastic day. It was a relief to not have to do anything but just have fun. My girls love the water like their mama, so it was just too much fun to experience this with them. B braved the "big" slides, which never got old for me, watching her splash to the bottom. T even went on the BIG slides with daddy! That girl! She surprises me with her guts sometimes. She's a lot tougher than she lets on.

Sadly, these are not pictures of my own children, just promotional ones for the resort, because I'm understandably banned from taking the camera to waterparks. Truthfully, I probably would have been too busy to take many pictures. But, this kind of gives you an idea.

See the blue one in the back? That's the one B went down over and over. Pretty impressive, right? By herself!! I wish I had one to show you of what T went down. It was BIG. *Sigh.* My girls are cool.
Fun day. Need more of those.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I would have loved to have been there to watch the girls!! So much that I am missing.
Thanks for sharing.